Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blog Flashback March 28.

--An Open Letter To Educators--

Oh the joys of a bone crushingly boring lecture that tells me "stuff." Oh how I revel in the test 3 weeks later on this "stuff" and then am thrilled to find out I must repeat the process 5 more times throughout the semester. I want to be creative, I want to be given freedom of knowledge and not be subjected to often mindless, uninteresting drivel that I payed good money for.

You know, I am not the greatest student. I do not make strait A's, I do not have perfect attendance; but I do have the intelligence, and the capability to become a successful teacher. I want to be taught not only the "stuff" but how to apply the "stuff." I am very willing to learn, even if it means going to class to ignore the lecture to use my own computer to research these necessary skills myself.


  1. I agree Carlo. It is important to know things but it is equally important to know why.

  2. I totally agree with you on this Carlo. It is so irritating to sit through boring lectures that give you information on things you can get off the internet yourself. It is also irritating to just be told the stuff not how to apply it. so many times I learn this information given to me but I am not ever taught how to apply it. What good is information if it is given but not taught how to apply it?

  3. I agree with you! It is important that teachers teach things that are relevant to students! Good point of view!!

  4. I am with you. Unfortunately in life we will be required to do things that we do not see the point in yet it is a requirement. Like posting to FoliTek.

  5. " use my own computer to research these necessary skills myself" That's the key!
