Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blog Assignments: Episode 3

-Can Wikipedia Be Trusted?-

I am not very surprised that Wikipedia articles were being changed by corporations, political parties, religious organizations, etc. In fact, I am rather amused. I find it laughable that corporations, etc. would stoop so low as to edit and change (if true in the first place) facts and figures to save face or make themselves look like paragons, victims, etc.

Is Wikipedia 100% reliable? Is the base of an active volcano a reliable place to live? The answers are no and no. Yes Wikipedia is known for having users maliciously edit articles; Yes it is known to have facts and figures so in error that they make 2+2=fish a more reliable fact than what is written. Wikipedia offers articles with facts that may or may not be true. Sometimes wiki articles hold water, but always remember to double check your info before believing Wikipedia to be an infallible source of information.

-"What I've Learned This Year"-

Mr. McClung's post perfectly summarizes the methods and traits needed in the classroom. I was nodding my head in agreement as I read each paragraph thinking, "Yes of course that's exactly right." As McClung said in his post, "I truly believe that teachers do not know enough about the students they are teaching. In order to build the respect that we all seek in a student teacher relationship, it is important to take interest their the lives of our students. It's that important." He is right, it is that important. Too many times students are brushed off or dismissed when problems or needs are brought to teacher's desks. This sickens me personally. LISTEN to your students. You need their input just as much they need yours!

1 comment:

  1. I love your post about what you have learned. I work at a day care, so I definitely know that this is true. It seems like children get more out of learning and they seem to pay more attention if they know you actually care about them and their life. This is something that is very important to me, and I love that you wrote about it.
