Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog Assignments: Episode 2

--A Vision of Students Today--

The video presented me with various facts and figures pertaining to the lives of college students that I took (as I always do with such videos or short films) with a "grain of salt." Of course the facts and figures are very interesting it is just that videos of this sort are pretentious in a way that irks me just a bit. The averages are taken from a "survey" from about 300 plus students, and the thing that bothers me is that the video puts these figures across as definitive averages; that all students fall into a squandering away of their time to social networking and cell phone usage. Then suddenly a fact such as, "1 billion people make less than $1 a day," is shown. I want to assume it has something to do with the outrageous amounts of money college students have to scratch and claw for just to pay for their college only to have to pay it back after they graduate in a bill that comes once a month.

The film was very unique and creative. The camera work was well done (if not a bit shaky, which seems to be a trend in mainstream film nowadays) and the shots were solid and not overly sloppy. Overall the film was good if not a bit pretentious.

--It's Not About the Technology--

I must say I was in complete agreement with Mrs. Hines. Mrs. Hines ideas of classrooms where teachers teach and learn, use technology efficiently, and adapt to the learning aptitudes of their students are just remarkable. This post should be a guideline or a required reading for future teachers and even practicing teachers as well.

I must say any thoughts or ideas I have had in the past about technology ruling the classroom or playing a major part have been put into question. Teaching should reach a "Golden Mean" with the proper use of technology and a learning awareness to adapt to an ever changing classroom.

--Gary Hayes Social Media Count--

The counter gives me one thought: "I better keep up or else I will be left behind." The counter is an example of the need for everyone, either at the workplace, home, or school, must be very aware of the media and information exchange possibilities are growing at such an alarming rate that anyone could easily be engulfed in it or left behind.

For myself, as a future teacher, it is a perfect example of the ever changing face of the media and information that students have access to. I must adapt and learn. I must learn to teach at a higher level every year to accommodate students who will have access to information that I did not when I was their age.

--Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?--

Fisch's statement was not extreme. Teachers must get on the ball or they will be left behind. The fact that many people are proud of their low almost non existent technological literacy is very sad and makes me worry about some students in the future who will be not be encouraged by their parents to take advantage of technology because the parents themselves are ignorant of it.

Technology should be used as a tool to create an environment in the classroom that spurs thought and creativity. Technology should be used frugally and must also coexist with other materials and skills used by a teacher to help students learn. As I have said in my previous paragraph there should be a "Golden Mean" so to speak.


  1. I feel that you make good points I really like your view of the Media Count. With the way the numbers were changing made me aware of how much I need to step up and get involved in the world of technology. Overall I felt your commments to be well thought out and expressive.

  2. Are you a filmmaker? One of the final requirements for this class is to make a movie. Get your ideas together and gather your team. It sounds like you are eager to take on such a project!

  3. I like the idea that tech is just a tool, but with all it has to offer to us (as you will see throughout this semester) its importance has become much more evident. Maybe we should be less tool focused and more learning focused. Does it really matter what tools they use to learn, if they are learning important, meaningful curriculum?

    What makes technology so compelling is it offers a different experience to each and every person that uses it. The student can define their own learning through podcasts, web pages, and even how they create content. The real value in technology is what it allows us to do with it.

  4. Hey Carlo, I enjoyed reading your comments and insight on the short films. Seems like your pretty savvy with a camera, If I have any questions about future projects I hope I could use you as a go to guy.
